Today, we are aware of the stark statistics which render a Eastern and Southern Africa a notorious region where HIV transmission is still rampant. More than 50% of PLWH in the world lives in the ESA region, with the greatest concentration of aggrieved patients dispersed over SADC countries. At least 8 SADC countries currently are home to over a million PLWH each. Many of them, especially key populations such as sex workers, prisoners and members of the LGBTIQ community, do not have access to adequate HIV treatment which is free or affordable. The time is therefore nigh for HIV treatment to be considered and enforced as a justiciable right.
The Forum continues to advocate for a rights-based approach which is consistent with international law and applicable conventions and treaties ratified by SADC nations. Domestication of treaties and the SADC Model Law on HIV remain an inevitable priority for the region in view of bolstering a rights-based approach.
Inaction now to provide HIV treatment without discrimination will lead to deaths of millions in the next 2 decades. Parliamentarians and policy makers must act now before HIV goes in history as a pandemic which adversely decimated a region, in particular individuals in Southern Africa. While there is still hope for change to meet the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), swiftness of action and leadership to eradicate HIV/AIDS are imperative.
Having situated our responsibilities, I wish you all a solemn and productive World AIDS Day 2024.
Yours faithfully
Secretary General