The Table below highlights the status of pending Resolutions of the DGHR Committee and Plenary Assembly in respect of the DGHR Programme and the actions taken or being taken:



Resolution by DGHR

and Plenary

Lead Status Action/Remarks

Enhancing the role of Parliament in curbing corruptionand strengthening accountability

DGHR Programme Manager

In process
  • Theme for the Committee meeting during 51st Plenary Committee Session is “Towards Strengthening the Role of Parliament in Curbing Corruption and Promoting Accountability in the SADC region: Engaging Parliamentarians on how to use Public Finance Management to Execute Measures to Fight Corruption.’’ The meeting will strengthen the capacity of Members, facilitate knowledge sharing and adopt resolutions for more parliamentary action to foster democratic accountability, openness and curb corruption.
  • Consultant engaged, with funding from GIZ and Austrian Development Agency (ADA), to develop Regional Principles and Guidelines for Parliaments in curbin corruption and strengthening accountability. The tool will provide normative standards and serve as a knowledge tool for MPs. It will be validated by the Committee at its next meeting in October.
 1.2  Enhancing the roleEnhancing the roleof Parliament in thepromotion andprotection of humanrights  DGHR ProgrammeManager  In process
  • Consultant engaged, with funding from GIZ and ADA to develop a Regional Toolfor Parliaments in promoting and protecting Human Rights. The tool will be validated by the Committee at its next meeting in October.
  • A Regional Toolkit on best practices on parliamentary responses in protecting human rights during crises and disasters to be developed with funding from Sweden during 2022.
 1.3 Taking measures toTaking measures topromote women’spolitical participationin the SADC region  DGHR Programme Manager  In process
  • A region-wide study on the challenges that women face in running for political positions has been commissioned to gain deeper and comprehensive understanding of the challenges and assist SADC PF and national Parliaments in identifying possible strategies to address the challenges. The study is being undertaken with funding from GIZ and ADA.

  • Gender equality will continue to be entrenched as part of the SADC PF’s election Gender equality will continue to be entrenched as part of the SADC PF’s election observation as methodology in order to ensure the promotion of inclusive electoral processes and outcomes in the Region.

 1.4 Promote the Promote the domestication of the SADC Model Law on Elections in Member States DGHR Programme Manager  In progress
  • A national workshop to promote the domestication of the Model Law on Elections will be held in Lesotho, jointly with the Parliament of Lesotho. The meeting will be attended by electoral stakeholders such as Chairpersons of relevant parliamentary Committees of Lesotho, Independent Electoral Commission, CSOs, Media, and Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the DGHR Committee.

  • More domestication meetings to be held in Member States based on the SADC More domestication meetings to be held in Member States based on the SADC Elections Calendar and resource availability.
 1.5 Development of the Model Law on the Role of Parliament in Promoting and Protecting Constitutionalism and Rule of Law  DGHR Programme Manager   In progress
  •  Consultants engaged, with funding from SIDA, to undertake a baseline study on mechanisms and practices for separation of powers and checks and balances in SADC national Parliaments as part of the background work for the development of the Model Law.
  • Secretariat is mobilising resources for the drafting, consultative meetings and validation of the Model Law.
1.6 Development of the Model Law on SmallArms and Light Weapons     In progress
  •  Consultations are ongoing with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Disarmament and Arms Control for technical support to the development of the Model Law and a formalised collaboration framework is under consideration.
  • Secretariat exploring resource mobilisation opportunities to finance the development of the Model Law


Establishment of the DGHR Technical Working Group

To enhance technical support for the Programme, the Programme Manager has, in line with approved institutional policy framework, established a Technical Working Group (TWG) comprising experts from various regional and international organisations that the Forum collaborates with.



About Us

The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) was established in 1997 in accordance with Article 9 (2) of the SADC Treaty as an autonomous institution of SADC It is a regional inter-parliamentary body composed of Thirteen (14) parliaments representing over 3500 parliamentarians in the SADC region. Read More

Contact us

Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
