To obtain expressions of interest and company profiles from companies interested in conducting business with the SADC Parliamentary Forum in respect of supplying of goods and services to be procured during the Financial Year 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025.
1. Introduction and background to assignment
The SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) has been implementing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), HIV and AIDS Governance Project in collaboration with 10 participating national Parliaments over the past four (4) years. The Project inter alia aims at leveraging on parliamentary interventions to promote universal access to SRHR services across SADC within a context of democratic accountability and the respect for human rights. With the end of the implementing period under the Project, participating countries have registered several success stories and achievements which are to be documented in view of ensuring that the SRHR legacy survives beyond the life of the Project and that consistency in SRHR parliamentary delivery is progressively institutionalised.
1. Introduction and background to assignment
The SADC Parliamentary Forum is the main inter-parliamentary organisation of Southern Africa which is mandated by its Plenary Assembly to develop and monitor the domestication of Model Laws, Minimum Standards and other related normative instruments. Over decades, the Model Laws developed by the Forum have become crucial legislative benchmarks for SADC national Parliaments, in particular to level up legal and administrative norms in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights, HIV, child marriage, public financial management etc. Model Laws are inspired from the relevant United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) human rights treaties and are additionally adapted and contextualised to befit the Southern African context. For the sake of completeness, each Model Law developed by the Forum has been arrived at pursuant to widespread consultations with stakeholders and interest groups emanating from the three arms of the State (Executive, Legislature, and the Judiciary).