Hon. Marie Joanne Sabrina Tour

09 Dez. 2022
150918 times
Hon. Marie Joanne Sabrina Tour National Assembly of Mauritius


Member of the National Assembly of Mauritius

Personal Info

Name: Marie Joanne Sabrina

Surname: Tour

Email Address: org" data-ep-aecdf="mjstour<sm"> / com" data-ep-aecdf="tour<small> [D">gma">

Contact Number: +(230) 5743-3092

Educational Qualifications

  • The University of Greenwich - London 
  • Masters in Business Administrations - (MBA)
  • BA (Hons) Marketing Communications 
  • AAA school of Advertising South Africa
  • Higher Professional Diploma  with Graphic Design

Professional Career

Over 20 Years experience as an events management and marketing communications professional spanning over a number of industries: including hospitality & Luxury, entertainment & publishing, philanthropic and Social work.

Social worker 

Sportswoman participation varois athletics events Paris Marathon 2019.


  • Sports
  • Advocate women empowerment & child development. 
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Sobre nós

O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC PF) foi criado em 1997, em conformidade com o Artigo 9 (2) do Tratado da SADC como uma instituição autônoma da SADC. É um órgão interparlamentar regional composto por Treze (14) parlamentos representando mais de 3500 parlamentares na região da SADC. Consulte Mais informação


Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
