Mwila Criseddy Bwanga

Mwila Criseddy Bwanga

Mwila Criseddy Bwanga
Mwila is an optimistic and visionary leader that is passionate about building the leaders we need for Africa we want; harnessing eight years' worth of experience in the leadership and governance development space across the continent.  He is a Social entrepreneur, an Award-Winning Governance Expert, Award-Winning Author, International Speaker and Executive Director at BeRelevant Africa. Mwila holds a degree in Politics and International Relations from the University of Lusaka. He is a member of the Southern African Youth Forum and the current Zambian Youth Representative at the Commonwealth Youth Council.

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Sobre nós

O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC PF) foi criado em 1997, em conformidade com o Artigo 9 (2) do Tratado da SADC como uma instituição autônoma da SADC. É um órgão interparlamentar regional composto por Treze (14) parlamentos representando mais de 3500 parlamentares na região da SADC. Consulte Mais informação


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