SADC Parliamentary Forum

Website URL: http://www.sadcpf.org

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Wednesday 02 February 2022 – The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) will soon kick off consultative meetings aimed at putting together a draft SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management (PFM) to heighten parliamentary oversight and boost transparency, openness as well as efficiency in the use of public funds in the region.

The SADC PF, through its Standing Committees, has identified various legal and regulatory gaps in PFM that weaken the public financial management system and impedes the State’s ability to address its national objectives as well as fulfil international commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

It is with immense pleasure that I release this Statement to celebrate Human Rights Day 2021. 

Human Rights Day holds particular importance for the Forum and its Member Parliaments not only because the Forum is a steadfast advocate of human rights in Southern Africa, but because human rights lie at the very foundation and constitute a pillar of a healthy democratic framework. It is trite that without a vibrant culture of human rights, parliamentary sovereignty and the Rule of law would be at stake.  

This is also to reiterate that the Forum is committed to promoting civil and political human rights (first-generation rights), as well as economic, social and cultural rights (second-generation rights), both of which are embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the African Charter for Human and Peoples’ Rights. Within its Vision to stand as the Flag-Bearer of Democratisation and Socio-Economic Development in Southern Africa, the SADC-PF harnesses core values and guiding principles that speak to the respect for all human rights in their generality. In addition, the Forum also acknowledges the interconnectedness of human rights, and the need not to leave any human right behind when achieving progressive development.  

Today, Human Rights Day is also coinciding with the opening ceremony of the 50th Plenary Assembly of the SADC-PF which is a landmark event for the organisation and the Membership. The 50th Plenary Assembly will also be the illustrious platform for the deliberations on the adoption of the SADC Model Law on Gender-Based Violence, the latter being another landmark instrument to promote human rights for all, without discrimination.  

In the decade to follow, the Forum pledges to continue leveraging parliamentary democracy and inter-parliamentary cooperation to implement human rights across the SADC region and beyond. 

Happy Human Rights Day 2021! 


Enquiries: Modise Kabeli on +27817159969 or

Estimados Colegas/Parceiros,

É com imenso prazer que divulgo esta Declaração para celebrar o Dia dos Direitos Humanos de 2021.

O Dia dos Direitos Humanos tem particular importância para o Fórum e para os seus Parlamentos Membros, não só porque o Fórum é um acérrimo defensor dos direitos humanos na África Austral, mas também porque os direitos humanos são a pedra angular e constituem um pilar de um quadro democrático saudável. Embora seja prosaico referi-lo, sem uma cultura vibrante de direitos humanos, a soberania parlamentar e o Estado de direito ficariam comprometidos.

Não é demais reiterar que o Fórum está empenhado em promover os direitos humanos civis e políticos (direitos da primeira geração), bem como os direitos económicos, sociais e culturais (direitos da segunda geração), ambos consagrados na Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem, e na Carta Africana dos Direitos do Homem e dos Povos. No âmbito da sua Visão de ser o Porta-Estandarte da Democratização e do Desenvolvimento Sócio-Económico na África Austral, o Fórum Parlamentar da SADC mobiliza valores fundamentais e princípios orientadores que falam do respeito por todos os direitos humanos na sua generalidade. Além disso, o Fórum também reconhece a interligação dos direitos humanos, e a necessidade de não deixar qualquer direito humano para trás na consecução de um desenvolvimento progressivo.

Hoje, o Dia dos Direitos Humanos coincide também com a cerimónia de abertura da 50ª Assembleia Plenária do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC, um evento histórico para a organização e para os Membros. A 50ª Assembleia Plenária será também a ilustre plataforma para as deliberações sobre a adopção da Lei Modelo da SADC sobre a Violência Baseada no Género, sendo esta última mais um instrumento de referência para a promoção dos direitos humanos para todos, sem discriminação.

Na próxima década, o Fórum compromete-se a continuar a potenciar a democracia parlamentar e a cooperação interparlamentar com vista a implementar os direitos humanos em toda a região da SADC e para além dela.

Feliz Dia dos Direitos Humanos de 2021!

Os melhores cumprimentos,

Sra. B. Sekgoma,


Fórum Parlamentar da SADC

10 de Dezembro de 2021



Media Statement SADC Parliamentary Forum Statement on Travel Bans

WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA: Sunday, 28 November 2021 The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum is cognisant that the Covid-19 pandemic is causing worldwide fears and tensions, especially with the upsurge of new virus variants.

While public health remains a  priority,  the  Forum considers that there is a  need to rely at all times on verified scientific and empirical data, such as those shared by the World Health Organisation (WHO), before imposing travel bans that may seem unjust or harsh for some countries. The need for international cooperation to share information buttresses the recent action of the SADC Group at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held from the 26th-30th November 2021 in  Madrid, Spain, which called for greater equality in the procurement and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.

This echoes the reflection made that nobody is safe until everybody is safe from Covid-19. Indeed, if vaccine equality was in place, the virus may have been long overwhelmed instead of mutating into more threatening variants in some countries.

The IPU General Debate unanimously debated this issue as an emergency Item, where all Parliaments of the world gathered. There is no doubt that policymakers, officials, as well as Parliamentarians from the SADC region are engaging counterparts to react to the travel ban and to find solutions for safe travel.

It is imperative that remedial measures be found, especially bearing in mind the human rights of travellers who are stalled in foreign destinations pending the re-opening of the flight routes back home. Perhaps the most important question currently is which vaccine would respond best to the new variants, and if this information is known, vaccine deployment strategies must be engaged to respond accordingly.

Travel bans are never favourable to the economy, whether it is the economy of the imposing country or one of the affected country. Travel bans are also devastating to airline companies who are struggling to stay afloat and to rebuild after almost 2 years of travel slowdown.

It is thus important for bans to be imposed only based on verified and reliable information that has been preferably endorsed by the WHO.

For scheduling media interviews with the SADC Parliamentary  Forum Secretary General, Ms Boemo M SEKGOMA please contact:
Modise Kabeli on Mobile: +27817159969 or Email:sadc"> or " data-ep-b5e6c="] </small>za">

Comunicado De Imprensa Declaração Do Fórum Parlamentar Da SADC Sobre As Proibições De Viagens

WINDHOEK, NAMÍBIA: Domingo, 28 de Novembro de 2021 O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral tem consciência de que a pandemia de Covid-19 está a causar receios e tensões, sobretudo com a recrudescência de novas variantes do vírus.

Embora a saúde pública continue a ser uma prioridade, o Fórum considera que é preciso confiar sempre em dados científicos e empíricos comprovados, tais como os que são emitidos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), antes de se impor proibições de viajar que possam parecer injustas ou severas para alguns países. A necessidade da cooperação internacional na partilha de informação reforça a recente medida tomada pelo Grupo dos Países da SADC na Assembleia da União Interparlamentar (UIP) realizada de 26 a 30 de Novembro de 2021 em Madrid, Espanha, que apelou para maior igualdade na aquisição e distribuição de vacinas de Covid-19.

O referido apelo reitera a reflexão feita de que ninguém é seguro até que todos sejam protegidos contra a Covid-19. De facto, se houvesse igualdade perante as vacinas, o vírus poderia há muito ter sido submergido em vez de continuar a fazer mutações para variantes perigosas em alguns países.

O debate da Assembleia Geral da UIP, que reuniu todos os Parlamentos do mundo, considerou por unanimidade esta questão como um ponto de emergência. É indiscutível que os formuladores de políticas, funcionários, bem como os parlamentares da região da SADC estão a interagir com os seus homólogos para reagir à proibição de viajar e procurar soluções para viagens seguras.

É imperioso que sejam encontradas medidas de reparação, sobretudo tendo em consideração os direitos humanos dos viajantes que estão encalhados em paragens no estrangeiro até que voltem a ser abertas rotas de vôos de retorno para os seus países. Talvez a pergunta mais importante neste momento seja a de saber qual é a vacina que oferece a melhor resposta às novas variantes, e se existe um conhecimento desta informação, devem ser desdobradas estratégias vacinais visando dar a devida resposta.

As proibições de viagem nunca favorecem a economia, quer seja a economia do país que as impõe, quer a do país afectado. As proibições de viajar têm também um efeito devastador para as companhias aéreas que estão em apuros para se manterem à tona e se reconstruírem depois de quase 2 anos de abrandamento de deslocações.

Importa, portanto que as proibições sejam apenas impostas com base em informações verificadas e fiáveis que tenham de preferência sido homologadas pela OMS.

Para o agendamento de entrevistas pelos órgãos da comunicação social com a Secretária-geral do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC, Sra. Boemo M. SEKGOMA, favor entrar em contacto com: Modise Kabeli, pelo terminal telefónico: +27817159969 ou pelo e-mail:sadc"> or pa" data-ep-b5e6c="gov<small> [DOT">

Communiqué De Presse Communiqué Du Forum Parlementaire De La SADC Sur Les Interdictions De Voyager

WINDHOEK, NAMIBIE : dimanche 28 novembre 2021 Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l’Afrique  australe  est  conscient  que  la  pandémie  de  Covid- 19 suscite des craintes et des tensions dans le monde entier, notamment dans le contexte de l’apparition de nouveaux variants du virus.

Si la santé publique demeure une priorité, le Forum considère qu’il convient en toutes circonstances de se fier à des données scientifiques et empiriques vérifiées, telles celles qui sont diffusées par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), avant d’imposer des interdictions de voyager qui peuvent sembler injustes ou brutales à certains pays. L’affirmation de la nécessité d’une coopération internationale pour le partage d’informations conforte l’action récente du Groupe de la SADC lors de l’Assemblée de l’Union interparlementaire (UIP) qui s’est tenue du 26 au 30 novembre 2021 à Madrid, en Espagne, qui a appelé à plus d’égalité eu égard à l’achat et à la distribution de vaccins contre la Covid-19.

Cette position fait écho à l’idée selon laquelle personne n’est à l’abri de la Covid-19 tant que tous ne sont pas à l’abri de celle-ci. En effet, si l’égalité vaccinale était effective, le virus aurait pu être vaincu depuis longtemps au lieu de muter sous la forme de variants plus menaçants dans certains pays.

Le Débat général de l’UIP a porté à l’unanimité sur cette question envisagée comme un point d’urgence à l’occasion de cet événement qui a  rassemblé  tous  les  parlements  du  monde.  Il  ne fait aucun doute que les décideurs politiques, les responsables, ainsi que les parlementaires de la région de la SADC sont en train de mobiliser leurs homologues pour réagir à l’interdiction de voyager et trouver des solutions permettant de voyager en toute sécurité.

Il est indispensable que des mesures correctives soient trouvées, surtout en prenant en considération les droits humains de voyageurs qui sont bloqués dans des pays étrangers en attendant la reprise des liaisons aériennes pour pouvoir retourner chez eux. La question qui importe peut-être le plus à l’heure actuelle est de savoir quel vaccin permettrait de lutter le plus efficacement contre les nouveaux variants et, si cette information est connue, les stratégies pour le déploiement des vaccins doivent être appliquées pour riposter en conséquence.

Les interdictions de voyager ne sont jamais favorables à l’économie, qu’il s’agisse de l’économie      du pays qui impose l’interdiction ou de  celle du  pays  qui la  subit. Les  interdictions  de voyager ont aussi des effets dévastateurs sur les compagnies aériennes qui luttent pour rester à flot et pour se reconstruire après presque 2 ans de diminution du nombre de voyages.

Il est donc important que les interdictions ne soient imposées qu’à condition d’être fondées sur des informations vérifiées et fiables qui, de préférence, ont été approuvées par l’OMS.

Pour programmer des entrevues des médias avec la Secrétaire générale du Forum parlementaire de la SADC, Mme Boemo M. Sekgoma, veuillez contacter : Modise Kabeli sur le numéro de portable +27817159969 ou par courriel sur org" data-ep-a8482="media [AT] </"> "> ou " data-ep-b5e6c="] </small>za">

JOHANNESBURG – SOUTH AFRICA, Friday 12 November 2021 – The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) Standing Committees and the Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus are meeting in Johannesburg on 15 to 17 November to review and validate the draft SADC Model Law on Gender Based Violence (GBV Model Law). 

The objectives of the three-day session are to comprehensively review and validate the draft GBV Model law clause-by-clause to ensure that it contains all the legal principles, guidelines and obligations that are stipulated in the regional and international agreements; and ensure that when finalised the Model Law is acceptable, enforceable and flexible so that it can be adopted or adapted. 

Details of the meetings are as follows: 

Date: Monday, 15 to Wednesday, 17 November 2021 

Venue: Premier Hotel OR Tambo, 73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, South Africa 

Time: 09:30 to 16:00 Harare/Pretoria Time. 

MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link: 


The meetings will be streamed live on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below and also broadcast live (or recorded for later broadcast) on DSTV Channel 408: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sadcpf

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sadcpf

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCa0QZWjuXVxer_vm637pBmQ


Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org">sadc" data-ep-b5e6c="pf<small> ">



WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Monday 11 October 2021 – Standing Committees of the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) are scheduled to hold virtual statutory meetings from the 8th until the 19th of October 2021. The Standing Committee meetings are being held ahead of the 50th Plenary Assembly Session to be hosted by the Parliament of Lesotho in December, where each Committee will table its report. 

Matters scheduled for discussion during this over-a-week long programme includes consideration of a scorecard to monitor Model Laws, enhancing the role of Parliament in promoting direct investment, the role of Parliaments in water resource management in the SADC region and strengthening Parliament’s role in conflict prevention and management, amongst others. 

Today, 11 October at 09:30, the Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment chaired by Hon. Anele Ndebele, from Zimbabwe, is scheduled to deliberate on “Enhancing the Role of Parliament in Promoting Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment.” To join the meeting follow the Zoom Registration Link here.

On Tuesday, 12 October, the Standing Committee on the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FARN), chaired by Hon. Tumba, is scheduled todeliberate on the role of Parliaments in Water Resource  Management in the SADC RegionTo join the meeting follow the Zoom Registration Link here.

On Wednesday, 13 October, the Standing Committee on Democratisation, Governance and Human Rights, chaired by Hon. Jeronima Agostihno, from Mozambique, will hold its meeting under the theme: “Peace, Security and Conflict Trends in the SADC Region: Strengthening Parliament’s Role in Conflict Prevention and ManagementTo join the meeting follow the Zoom Registration Link here. 

On Thursday, 14 October, the Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Women Advancement and Youth Development, chaired by Hon. Peete Peete Ramoqai – from Lesotho, will meet under the theme: “Enhancing Parliaments’ Response in the Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls during Pandemics.” To join the meeting follow the Zoom Registration Link here.

On Friday, 15 October the Standing Committee on Human and Social Development and Special Programmes, chaired by Hon. Bertha Ndebele, from Malawi, is scheduled to discuss the role of Parliamentarians in advancing CSE in the region.  To join the meeting follow the Zoom Registration Link here.

On Monday, 18 October a Joint Session of the SADC-PF Standing Committees and the RWPC is scheduled to sit. While on Tuesday, 19 October, the RWPC will meet to deliberate on various cross cutting issues of regional concern. 


MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link to be added to a SADC-PF Accredited Media WhatsApp group where information on events of the Forum are regularly shared with the media: 


The meeting will be broadcast live on DSTV Channel 408 and also streamed live on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sadcpf

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sadcpf

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCa0QZWjuXVxer_vm637pBmQ


Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org">

JOHANNESBURG – SOUTH AFRICA, Friday 12 November 2021 – The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) Standing Committees and the Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus are meeting in Johannesburg on 15 to 17 November to review and validate the draft SADC Model Law on Gender Based Violence (GBV Model Law). 

The objectives of the three-day session are to comprehensively review and validate the draft GBV Model law clause-by-clause to ensure that it contains all the legal principles, guidelines and obligations that are stipulated in the regional and international agreements; and ensure that when finalised the Model Law is acceptable, enforceable and flexible so that it can be adopted or adapted. 

Details of the meetings are as follows: 

Date: Monday, 15 to Wednesday, 17 November 2021 

Venue: Premier Hotel OR Tambo, 73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, South Africa 

Time: 09:30 to 16:00 Harare/Pretoria Time. 


MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link: 


The meetings will be streamed live on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below and also broadcast live (or recorded for later broadcast) on DSTV Channel 408: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sadcpf

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sadcpf

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCa0QZWjuXVxer_vm637pBmQ


Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org" data-ep-a8482="media<smal"> [AT] </">sadc" data-ep-b5e6c="pf<small> ">

This notice serves to invite all SADC PF Standing Committee Members and RWPC to a Zoom Meeting on Technical Round Table to Review a Continental Study on Enhancing Effectiveness of Parliaments in Africa During Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The objective of this meeting is to share experiences from Covid-19 and proffer adaptable recommendations and strategies for sustaining parliamentary effectiveness during crises.

When: Monday, 8th November 2021 from 11:00 AM to 14:00 Johannesburg Time.

Please register in advance for the meeting on this link:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Contact Paulina for inquiries: email: org">.

Thank you.


About Us

The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) was established in 1997 in accordance with Article 9 (2) of the SADC Treaty as an autonomous institution of SADC It is a regional inter-parliamentary body composed of Thirteen (14) parliaments representing over 3500 parliamentarians in the SADC region. Read More

Contact us

Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
