News & Events

Dear Colleagues/partners,

It is with delight that I release this statement to Member Parliaments and partners to commemorate International Youth Day 2021 under the theme of "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health".

Statement from the Secretary General of the SADC PF on International Youth Day

Na 44ª Sessão da Assembleia Plenária realizada em Maputo, Moçambique, em 2018, o Grupo Regional das Mulheres Parlamentares (GRMP) do Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (FP da SADC) patrocinou uma moção aprovada por unanimidade para se elaborar uma Lei Modelo sobre a Violência Baseada no Género a ser utilizada pelos Estados Membros da SADC com vista a evitar, abordar e erradicar várias formas de violência. Foi alcançado consenso entre as partes interessadas que trabalham nesta área no sentido de se avançar com a elaboração de uma Lei Modelo da SADC sobre a Violência Baseada no Género. É contra este pano de fundo que o Fórum Parlamentar da SADC irá lançar rondas de consultas às partes interessadas para se proceder à finalização do projecto de Lei Modelo sobre a Violência Baseada no Género

Objectivo da reunião:

  • Envolver e sensibilizar os meios de comunicação social sobre o projecto de Lei Modelo da SADC sobre a Violência Baseada no Género e processo de consultas às partes interessa





10h00 – 10h10

Palavras de Boas-vindas

Secretária-Geral do Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral, Sra.  Boemo Sekgoma

10h20 – 10h30

Discurso principal sobre o Estado da Violência Baseada no Género na região da SADC

Sra. Pamela Dube, Activista dos Direitos Humanos, Comunicação Social e Género

10h30 – 11h15

Apresentação do Projecto de Lei Modelo da SAD sobre a Violência Baseada no Género

Especialista Técnica – Redactora de legislação

Sra. Eva Jhala


11h15 – 11h45


Director de Cerimónias

11h45 -12h00

Observações Finais

Representante do Grupo de Trabalho do Fórum Parlamentar da SADC


Lors de la 44ème session de l'Assemblée plénière qui s'est tenue à Maputo, au Mozambique, en 2018, le Caucus parlementaire régional des femmes (RWPC) du Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (FP SADC) a parrainé une motion adoptée à l'unanimité visant à élaborer une loi type sur la violence basée sur le genre qui sera utilisée par les États membres de la SADC pour prévenir, traiter et éradiquer diverses formes de violence basée sur le genre. Un consensus a également été atteint par les parties prenantes travaillant dans ce domaine pour procéder à l'élaboration d'une loi type de la SADC sur la violence basée sur le genre. C'est dans ce contexte que le Forum parlementaire de la SADC lancera des séries de consultations des parties prenantes afin d'informer la finalisation du projet de loi type sur la VBG.

Objectif de la réunion :

  • Engager et sensibiliser les médias sur le projet de loi type de la SADC sur la violence basée sur le genre et le processus de consultation des parties prenantes.





10h00 – 10h10

Remarques de bienvenue

Mme Boemo Sekgoma - Secrétaire Générale du Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe

10h20 – 10h30

Discours liminaire sur l'état de la violence basée sur le genre dans la région de la SADC.

Ms Pamela Dube, Militante des droits de l’homme, des medias et de genre  

10h30 – 11h15

Présentation du projet de loi type du FP SADC sur la violence basée sur le genre

Expert technique - Rédactrice législative

Mme Eva Jhala


11h15 – 11h45


Directeur des cérémonies

11h45 -12h00

Remarques de clôture

Représentant du Groupe de Travail Technique du FP SADC


At the 44th Plenary Assembly Session held in Maputo, Mozambique in 2018, the Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (RWPC) of the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) sponsored a unanimously adopted motion to develop a Model Law on Gender-Based Violence to be utilised by SADC Member States to prevent, address and eradicate various forms of gender based-violence. Consensus was also reached by stakeholders working in this area to proceed with the development of a SADC Model Law on Gender-Based Violence. It is against this backdrop that the SADC PF will be launching rounds of stakeholder consultations to inform the finalisation of the draft Model Law on GBV.

Meeting objective:

  • To engage and sensitize the media on the Draft SADC Model Law on Gender Based Violence and stakeholder consultations process





1000 – 1010 hrs

Welcome Remarks

Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum Secretary General Ms Boemo Sekgoma

1020 – 1030 hrs

Key note address on the State of Gender based Violence in SADC region

Ms Pamela Dube, Human Rights, Media and Gender Activist  

1030 - 1115hrs

Presentation of the Draft SADC PF Model Law on Gender Based Violence

Technical Expert – GBV Model Law drafter

Ms. Eva Jhala


1115 - 1145 hrs


Director of Ceremonies

1145 -1200 hrs

Closing Remarks

SADC PF Technical Working Group Representative


MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link:

The meeting will be live streamed on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below and recorded for later broadcast on DSTV Channel 408: 





Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or  [AT] " data-ep-a986b="small>sadc">


WINDHOEK-NAMÍBIA, Quarta-feira, 07 de Julho de 2021 – As comissões permanentes do Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (FP-SADC) e o Grupo Regional da Mulher Parlamentar (RWPC) realizam amanhã, Quinta-feira, dia 08 de Julho, uma sessão subordinada ao lema «O Papel dos Parlamentares na Promoção dos Direitos à Autonomia e Integridade Corporal no âmbito da Saúde e Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (SDSR) na SADC».

A sessão, que será orientada pela Aliança SIDA e Direitos para a África Austral (ARASA), tem como um dos propósitos identificar as principais prioridades regionais em termos de políticas para a protecção dos direitos à autonomia e integridade corporal, com uma atenção especial na saúde e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, e na forma como os mecanismos internacionais podem ser alavancados no sentido de promover os referidos direitos.

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Wednesday 07 July 2021 - The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum's (SADC-PF) Standing Committee on Human and Social Development and Special Programs (HSD&SP) will, tomorrow Thursday 08 July, host a session on " The Role of Parliamentarians in Advancing the Rights to Bodily Autonomy and integrity for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in SADC."

The purpose of the session, to be facilitated by the AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), is to amongst others identify key regional policy priorities for protection of the rights to bodily autonomy and integrity, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and how the international mechanisms can be leveraged to advance these rights.

Dear Colleagues/partners, This is the second year that the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) is commemorating the International day of Parliamentarism pursuant to Resolution A/RES/72/278 of the UN General Assembly.

The SADC-PF is proud to celebrate this day together with its 15 Member Parliaments and commemorate the democratic values that underpin parliamentary work across the SADC region.

Statement of SG - International day of parliamentarism 2021

The Secretary General of the SADC-PF, Ms. Boemo Sekgoma applauded the host, Botswana Parliament, in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic they managed to hold the virtual Plenary Assembly. ‘’I beg to highlight some of the achievements of our Forum since the Plenary Assembly, which are two Model Laws are nearing finalization; the SADC Model Law on Gender Based Violence and the SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management’’, She highlighted.
She further envisaged that these Model Laws and other initiatives by the Forum, will cement regional integration and consolidate the SADC Identity, whereby the belief of shared SADC values, cultures and norms, strengthen the bonds of solidarity and cooperation.
The General Secretary, said the Forum is poised to act as an enabler of socio-economic change through concerted actions achieved through inclusive participation of all SADC Member States. Furthermore, Ms Sekgoma highlighted that the SADC-PF has indeed led the region on themes such as elections; trade; natural resources governance; gender equality; women empowerment; budget analysis, CT and Human Resources.
Lastly, she said the Forum remains committed to deepening regional parliamentary integration and to building the capacity of its Member Parliaments to face emerging challenges.
The three day virtual session is scheduled for the 25th -27th June 2021 under the theme ‘’Leveraging the AfCFTA for post-COVID Economic Recovery on Southern Africa: The Role of SADC Parliamentary Forum and National Parliaments.

At the official opening of the 49th plenary assembly session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum hosted virtually by the Parliament of the Bostwana 25th June 2021

À propos de nous

Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC PF) a été créé en 1997 conformément à l'article 9 (2) du Traité de la SADC en tant qu'institution autonome de la SADC. Il s'agit d'un organe interparlementaire régional composé de treize (14) parlements représentant plus de 3500 parlementaires dans la région de la SADC.

Nous contacter

Adresse: ERF 578, Love rue près de Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibie

Tél: (+264 61) 287 00 00
