SADC Parliamentary Forum

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Chairperson of the RWPC,Honorable  Anne-Marie Mbilambangu.
Chairperson of the RWPC,
Honorable Anne-Marie Mbilambangu.

The scourge of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) mostly affects women and the girl child in southern Africa, with its multi-dimensional effects negatively also impacting on the lives of men and boys in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.



Globally, one in two women have experienced GBV at some point in their lives, while in South Africa, reports indicated that someone was raped every 25 seconds.

It is on the back of such empirical evidence that the Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (RWPC) of the SADC Parliamentary Forum tabled a motion during the 44th Plenary Assembly Session of the Forum in 2018 to develop a regional Model Law on Gender Based Violence (GBV).

The 44th Plenary Assembly unanimously adopted the motion in an attempt to remove threats to peace, security and the accomplishment of different developmental objectives.

Following the adoption of the motion, the SADC PF launched stakeholder consultations on 18 August 2021 targeting different players in the public and private sectors. They included human rights commissioners, traditional leaders, GBV survivors and different United Nations agencies, to name a few.

Speaking at the launch, the Chairperson of the RWPC, Honorable Anne-Marie Mbilambangu explained that the Model Law should be a tool used by SADC Member States to prevent and eradicate all forms of GBV.

She said that the RWPC would do everything “to improve social and economic conditions for women, because we think that they are the most affected by all forms of GBV.” 


South African community advocate  Caroline Peters.
South African community advocate
Caroline Peters.

She added: “Our objective is to do it in such a way that everyone – in particular women within the region – regardless of colour or belief, have the possibility to accomplish their full potential without any hiccups or interference by GBV.”


South African Community Advocate Caroline Peters narrated her harrowing ordeal as a GBV survivor during the consultative meeting and bemoaned the fact that ever since she experienced GBV, very little had changed in terms of statistics.

“I am a survivor of brutal gang rape and my friend was murdered at the age of 16. When this happened to me, I didn’t realise this would be the

Seasoned journalist, gender practitioner and human rights activist Ms Pamela Dube from Botswana has called on media practitioners in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to raise awareness on the impact of Gender-Based Violence in the SADC Region.



Journalist, gender practitioner and human rights activist Ms Pamela Dube.
Journalist, Ms Pamela Dube.

Dube was speaking during a virtual consultative session to familiarise the media on the SADC Model Law on Gender-Based Violence, convened by the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) on 6 August 2021.



She said the media had a strategic and important potential to contribute to the prevention and elimination of GBV in the SADC region. “I wish to call on you to raise awareness on the impact of GBV in the SADC Region. Raise awareness on the role of the Model Law on GBV in the prevention of GBV and raise awareness on the stakeholder consultation process,” she said.

She challenged the media practitioners to support the implementation process. She compared the stigma suffered by GBV survivors to what families of those affected by AIDS had experienced in the past.

“At the highest point of HIV and AIDS, there was a lot of denial around our communities until we started seeing people coming forward. Once we saw the face and people could identify with the problem, stigma could be dealt with. We are faced with the same scourge right now which is at the homes, the offices and on the streets. Until we step to the plate and be able to give face to this and be able to speak to the heart of the problem, very little can be achieved,” Dube warned.

In addition, she urged the media workers to seriously ponder the role they wished to play toward GBV eradication and pointed out that while laws could be made, it was important for media practitioners and citizens to understand them.

“Laws can be made, our leadership can rise to the occasion, but if we are not in the forefront of giving information and disseminating, then very little, if anything will be achieved,” she said.

According to Dube, the SADC region faces different challenges in relation to GBV. High on that list are inadequate national laws, inadequate national frameworks and inadequate gender-disaggregated statistics, as well as outdated laws.

“It is against this background and in response to calls from various stakeholders to meet the goal of eliminating GBV by 2030, that the SADC PF commissioned the development of a Model Law on GBV that will be used to address, prevent and combat all forms of GBV,” she explained.

She underscored that GBV impedes efforts to achieve national, regional, continental and global development goals. GBV not only has terrible effects on survivors, but it also impacts negatively on society at large with serious socio- economic consequences.

“It raises enormous public health problems which are often overlooked. Survivors and victims of GBV are at high risk of severe and long-lasting health problems such as death from injuries or suicide, poor mental health, chronic pain, deafness, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and or AIDS,” she said.

While 13 SADC countries had laws on domestic violence and 14 on sexual assault, there was still evidence of GBV being most commonly perpetrated by “husbands or intimate partners” at global and regional levels. Moreover, Dube pointed out that COVID-19 had exacerbated the situation.

Speaking during the same event, Zimbabwean journalist Joseph Munda concurred with Dube and said: “It (GBV) is a key issue that has been going on and increasing with COVID-19 and there are a lot of dynamics around it.”

He, however, lamented challenges that journalists face and called for more information around good practices and some of the laws implemented by other SADC Member States. Munda felt that if information around effective laws was shared, it would make brainstorming for possible solutions to end GBVeasier.

“These are some of the key challenges that we have. Most of us are now working virtually and getting information can prove difficult at times. As a region, the information sharing itself and the learning process is very important for us journalists to be able to gather and disseminate information,” he noted.

Munda also stressed the lack of support structures to be able to get stories done, specifically due to a limitation of resources, which in turn shifts attention toward political and other stories.

Basadi Tamplin raised issues of strengthening cyber-security due to multiple instances that have seen a correlation between GBV and cyber-crimes. “Everyone has access to the internet and we all use internet to 24/7. There are alarming rates of


Honourable Christophe Mboso N’kodia Pwanga
Honourable Christophe Mboso N’kodia Pwanga

Welcome to SADC Scrutinizer, a new and special newsletter of the SADC Parliamentary Forum focusing on the development and implementation of model laws by our Forum.


Following a very progressive motion tabled by our Regional Women’s Parliamentary Forum (RWPC) in Maputo, Mozambique in 2018 and unanimously adopted by the 44th Plenary Assembly Session of our Forum, our Secretariat, under the capable leadership of our Secretary General, Ms. Boemo Sekgoma, hit the ground running and began the process of developing a SADC Model Law on Gender Based Violence (GBV).

This is a timely intervention given the frightening levels of GBV and Sexual GBV affecting many of our member states and other countries all over the world.

The Model Law on GBV comes at a time when, all over the world, there are increasing calls to prioritise support for women and girls who bear the brunt of GBV; comprehensively respond to online abuse; increase funding to girls’ education; end violence against women and girls; prioritise women and girls when responding to crises like the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic; place vulnerable and marginalised groups at the centre of programing as we move to strengthen democracy; and deepen and broaden sustainable development.

The many consultations held with various stakeholders to consider the draft of this Model Law on GBV provided a valuable opportunity for like-minded people and organisations to compare notes on strategies to end GBV.

Additionally, the consultations enabled Member States to showcase the amazing work that they are doing in their respective jurisdictions to respond to GBV as captured in this edition.

I am incredibly proud of all those who worked so hard to develop this regional soft law which many expect will go a long way in helping Member States develop or refine laws and policies related to GBV.

We are under no illusion that this Model Law on GBV will be a panacea to GBV. Nevertheless, we are convinced that it will go a long way in supporting Member States as they work towards removing barriers, bias, stereotypes, inequality and discrimination that continue to thwart a significant portion of our population, especially women and girls.

Beyond the development of this Model Law, we need to continue working together to ensure that all people have equal access to opportunities so that they can thrive.

As reported elsewhere in this edition, the COVID-19 global pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges. There is, therefore, need for affirmative efforts to bring everyone on board. Developing this Model Law and the many consultations that were held, have enabled us to pause and reflect on the extent, drivers and impact of GBV in our Member States.

The heart-rending reports of GBV in some of our Member States have emboldened us to double our efforts towards ending this embarrassing scourge. Indeed, we cannot develop our communities if we leave some of our compatriots behind. We need to join hands in ensuring that the rights of women and other members of our population do not get rolled back and to ensure that perpetrators of GBV, in all its forms, are held to account.

This requires all hands on board and we expect the media to be the arrowhead in breaking the conspiracy of silence on GBV. Indeed, our media in their various formations, have an obligation to amplify the voices of women and girls who bear the brunt of GBV as well as the voices of those working towards making a difference in the fight against GBV.

Allow me to end by once again commending and saluting all organisations and individuals that

joined and supported us in this gallant effort. This is your Model Law. Use it.

1. Introduction

L’information contenue dans ce document est destinée à orienter les Délégués prenant part à la 51ème Assemblée Plénière du Forum Parlementaire de la SADC (FP de la SADC) qui se tiendra en mode face à face à Lilongwe, au Malawi, du 7 au 16 juillet 2022.

Le Parlement du Malawi est honoré d’accueillir la réunion et souhaite chaleureusement la bienvenue à tous les Délégués au Malawi.

2. Lieu et Format des Réunions

La 51ème Session de l’Assemblée Plénière se tiendra en mode face à face (en présentiel) au Centre International de Convention Bingu [Bingu International Convention Center (BICC)], situé au centre ville de la capitale Lilongwe, à environ 30 minutes en voiture de l’Aéroport International de Kamuzu. Toutefois, les Délégués qui ne peuvent pas se rendre à Lilongwe peuvent également participer à la réunion par vidéoconférence à travers un lien de la plateforme Zoom qui sera créé.

3. Programme

i. 7 juillet – Arrivée du Secrétariat du FP de la SADC

ii. 8 juillet – Réunion entre le Secrétariat du FP de la SADC et le Secrétariat du Parlement hôte

iii. 9 juillet – Arrivée du Président du FP de la SADC

iv. 10 juillet – Arrivée de tous les autres Délégués

v. 11 juillet – Cérémonie d’ouverture officielle (matin) et Symposium en Séance Plénière (après-midi)

vi. 12 au 14 juillet – Session de l’Assemblée Plénière

vii. 15 juillet – Excursions

viii. 16 juillet – Départ de tous les Délégués

4. Documentation

Tous les documents pour la Réunion seront diffusés sous forme électronique sur un portail qui sera mis en place à cette fin. Aucune copie imprimée ne sera distribuée sur le lieu des réunions. À cet égard, il est conseillé aux Délégués d’apporter leurs ordinateurs portables afin de pouvoir télécharger et utiliser les documents sous forme électronique.

5. Immigration

Chaque Délégué doit être en possession d’un passeport valide et ceux qui ont besoin d’un visa doivent prendre les dispositions nécessaires à leur entrée au Malawi. Pour la plupart des pays de la SADC, les visas peuvent être délivrés à l’arrivée.

6. Accueil à l’Arrivée

Les Délégués seront accueillis à leur arrivée à l’Aéroport International de Kamuzu par des Agents du Protocole du Secrétariat du Parlement hôte qui les aideront et les accompagneront à leurs hôtels respectifs.

Les Parlements sont donc invités à soumettre les itinéraires de voyage de leurs Délégués au Parlement du Malawi au plus tard le 20 juin 2022, avec des copies envoyées au Forum Parlementaire de la SADC.

7. Accréditation

Tous les Délégués sont priés de s’inscrire au Bureau d’Information dès leur arrivé. Ce Bureau d’Information sera situé sur le lieu de la réunion. Afin d’accélérer le processus d’accréditation, les Délégués sont priés de soumettre à l’avance les détails de leurs informations, y compris des photos d’identité.

8. Dispositions concernant le transport et le transfert

Le Parlement du Malawi sera responsable de l’organisation du transport local des Délégués à l’arrivée et au départ [depuis l’aéroport vers l’hôtel et depuis l’hôtel vers l’aéroport] mais aussi vers le lieu et depuis le lieu de la Réunion et les hôtels recommandés énumérés au paragraphe 12 de la présente Circulaire d’Information Générale.

Tout transport requis en dehors du programme de la Réunion sera considéré comme étant de nature privée et les Délégués devront prendre en charge le coût de ces services.

9. Dispositions en matière de sécurité

Le Gouvernement du Malawi, par l’intermédiaire de ses agences de sécurité, assurera la sécurité de tous les Délégués sur la base des pratiques internationales pendant toute la durée de la Réunion.

Les délégués recevront des badges d’identité lors de leur accréditation. Les Délégués seront priés de porter ces badges pendant toute la durée de la Réunion pour des raisons de sécurité, pour faciliter l’identification et l’accès au lieu de Réunion.

10. Services médicaux

Des services cliniques seront disponibles sur le lieu de la Réunion pendant toute la durée de la Réunion pour des troubles de santé mineurs. Toutefois, des maladies graves nécessitant une attention médicale et des soins avancés pourront être dirigées vers l’hôpital public le plus proche. Les Délégués qui choisissent de se rendre dans un hôpital privé seront responsables de leurs propres factures médicales. À cet égard, les Délégués sont encouragés à être munis d’une assurance maladie.

11. Lignes directrices sur la prévention de la COVID-19

11.1 Les Délégués sont invités à note que, à compter du 1er juin 2022, les directives de prévention de la COVID-19 suivantes entreront en vigueur au Malawi :

a. Tous les délégués qui arrivent et qui sont entièrement vaccinés devront présenter un certificat de vaccination complet contre la COVID-19 valide et vérifiable par voie électronique au point d’entrée ;

b. Les délégués qui ne sont pas entièrement vaccinés ou qui n’ont pas de certificat de vaccination complet contre la COVID-19 valide et vérifiable par voie électronique doivent disposer d’un certificat de test PCR de COVID-19 négatif obtenu au cours des dernières 72 heures au moment de leur arrivée au Malawi ;

c. Pour les délégués qui retournent dans leur pays respectif, le certificat PCR de COVID-19 ou l’exigence de certificat de vaccination complet de COVID-19 dépendra des exigences de leur pays de destination.

11.2 Les Délégués sont également informés que, conformément à la résolution de la 50ème Assemblée Plénière, si un ou une Délégué(e) prenant part à une activité du Forum Parlementaire reçoit un résultat positif au test de COVID-19, le coût de la quarantaine sera pris en charge par leur Parlement National.

11.3 Pendant les réunions, les mesures préventives suivantes concernant la COVID-19 seront strictement respectées :

i. Contrôles réguliers de la température ;

ii. Tous les délégués sont tenus de porter un masque facial à tout moment dans les locaux et lors de leurs sorties en public ;

iii. Les délégués sont tenus de respecter une distance sociale d’au moins 1,5 mètre à tout moment. L’espacement des sièges dans tous les lieux de conférence sera conforme à cette disposition ;

iv. Tous les délégués devront se laver les mains à l’eau et au savon et/ou

se désinfecter fréquemment ; et

v. Tout Délégué(e) présentant des signes et des symptômes de la COVID-19 devront s’isoler et en informer le Secrétariat.

12. Hébergement à l’hôtel

Chaque Délégué est responsable de ses frais d’hébergement. Veuillez trouver ci-après la liste des hôtels recommandés. Les Délégués sont censés faire leurs réservations directement auprès des hôtels en mentionnant “The Malawi Parliament”. Il est conseillé aux Délégués de régler leurs factures d’hôtel avant leur départ.

Nom de

l'Hôtel / Lodge

Type de chambr e

Tarif (USD) (lit et petit déjeuner)

Distance du BICC



President Walmont Hotel

- (BICC)

Chambres King


0 km

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265

/993915550/+2659976450 00

N° de tél. : +2651789888



Sunbird Capital Hotel

Chambres supérieur es


À moins









Deluxe exécutive





kilomètre du BICC (3

minutes à pied)



Golden Peacock Hotel



1,5 km (5

minutes en voiture)




Wamkulu Palace

Elegant Deluxe (Simple)


2,1 km (4

minutes en voiture)

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265994620860 N° de tél. : +2651776764



Ufulu Gardens

Elegant Deluxe (Simple)

100 (le vendredi et le samedi = 70 USD)

4,5 km (8

minutes en voiture)

Tél: +2651794060/079

Numéro de téléphone

cellulaire :

+265888994060 /




13. Excursions

Le programme de l’excursion sera distribué aux Délégués au cours de la Réunion.

14. Monnaie nationale

Des services de change seront à la disposition de tous les Délègues dans les bureaux de change en semaine et le week-end. La plupart des devises et des chèques de voyage reconnus à l’échelle internationale peuvent être échangés dans les banques commerciales, les hôtels et les aéroports internationaux.

En avril 2022, 1 USD équivalait approximativement (Malawi Kwacha/MK) : 1 dollar américain = 1 020 MK

1 livre sterling = 1 400 MK

1 Euro = 861,62 MK

1 Rand = 51,22 MK

15. Cartes de crédit

Les cartes de crédit suivantes sont acceptées dans les banques du Malawi et dans tous les hôtels et restaurants : American Express, Master Card et Visa Card.

16. Heures d’ouverture des bureaux et des commerces

Les bureaux et les commerces sont généralement ouverts de 07h30 à 17h00 du lundi au vendredi. Les heures d’ouverture des magasins varient, mais la plupart des magasins sont ouverts de 08h00 à 17h00 du lundi au vendredi et de 08h30 à 14h00 le samedi.

17. Climat et météo

La période entre mai et août au Malawi est une période hivernale, généralement une saison sèche et froide. On s’attend à ce que pendant cette période, les températures varient entre 11,1 degrés et 20,5 degrés Celsius.

18. Langues de travail du Malawi

L’anglais est la langue officielle du Malawi.

19. Approvisionnement en électricité

Au Malawi, les fiches et les prises de courant sont de type D (norme britannique). La tension standard est de 220 – 240V et la fréquence standard de 50 Hz. Prises électriques à trois broches.

20. Géographie et fuseau horaire

Le fuseau horaire du Malawi est GMT + 2.

21. Services d’urgence (numéros de téléphone) :

· Services paramédicaux et de premiers secours : 118

  • Aéroport international : +265 1 700 899
  • Salon VIP à l’Aéroport : +265 1 700 256

25. Personnes à contacter

(A) Secrétariat du FP de la SADC Yapoka N Mungandi

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +264 81 3048395 Courriel : sad" data-ep-b67a1="cpf ">

(B) Parlement du Malawi

i. Coordinateur: M. Joseph Manzi

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265 999 800 831 Email:  [AT] ">

ii. Coordinatrice adjoint :Mme Siphiwe Komwa Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265 999 145 392 Courriel : com" data-ep-a44f0="siphiek<sm"> [AT] " data-ep-b67a1=" [POINT] <">

iii. Dispositions concernant l’Hébergement : Mme Maggie Chinsinga

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265 991 567 326 Courriel :  [" data-ep-a44f0="</small>gma">

iv. Dispositions concernant le Transport : Mme Portia Sibande Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265 882 716 093

Courriel : 

v. Dispositions concernant les Services de Protocole : Mme Gloria Dzidekha

Numéro de téléphone cellulaire : +265 888 891 424 Courriel : com" data-ep-a44f0="gdzidekha<s"> [" data-ep-a44f0="</small>gma">


Chers Collègues/Partenaires,

C'est avec un plaisir incommensurable que je publie cette déclaration ˆ l'intention des augustes Parlements Membres et Partenaires du Forum en vue de la célébration de la Journée Internationale du Parlementarisme le 30 juin 2022.

En cette digne journée, le Forum célèbre le parlementarisme sous toutes ses formes, y compris ˆ travers les Parlements nationaux, régionaux ou locaux en Afrique Australe. Il est reconnu que le parlementarisme ˆ tous les niveaux est la concrétisation dÕune démocratie opérationnelle et qui est fondée sur lÕÉtat de droit et le respect des droits de lÕhomme. Un parlement élu lors d'élections libres, loyales, libres et régulières est la garantie d'un système de contr™le parlementaire conforme ˆ la sacro-sainte notion de séparation des pouvoirs. Le FP de la SADC reconna”t en outre que le parlementarisme est une forme efficace d'interaction avec le public, et rend ainsi hommage aux efforts louables déployés par ses partenaires dans le monde, tels que l'Union Interparlementaire, qui se sont concentrés sur le thème crucial de l'engagement du public pour célébrer le parlementarisme en 2022.

Alors que le monde se remet lentement de la pandémie et continue de faire face ˆ d'autres défis sanitaires et économiques, les Parlements restent au centre de l'action de réforme. En tant qu'institution de consolidation de la paix, ils constituent le forum approprié pour résoudre les conflits par le biais d'initiatives représentatives, de contr™le et législatives menées avec l'approbation du grand public. Le dynamisme et la proactivité du Parlement peuvent donc dans une grande mesure contribuer ˆ faire en sorte que les conflits soient déjoués et que des solutions durables pour la paix soient trouvées ˆ travers le leadership et le dialogue. Par ailleurs, un niveau d'engagement cohérent auprès du public demeure un ingrédient nécessaire ˆ une démocratie participative.

Ë cet égard, le Forum reste déterminé ˆ mettre en Ïuvre l'Objectif de Développement Durable 16 sur les institutions responsables, efficaces, ouvertes et inclusives pour la paix, qui réitère l'engagement de renforcer la capacité des Parlements comme le prévoit la Charte Africaine de la Démocratie, des Elections et de la Gouvernance. Alors que l'Afrique se dirige vers une paix durable, le Forum continuera ˆ soutenir les Parlements pour atteindre ce noble objectif.

Vive, vive ˆ jamais nos Parlements!

Je vous souhaite sincèrement, Chers Collègues et Partenaires, une excellente Journée Internationale du Parlementarisme.


Secrétaire Générale, Forum Parlementaire de la SADC

Faite ˆ Windhoek, le 30 juin 2022







14h00 - 14h10

Allocution prononcée par le Président du Comité permanent du FANR

Hon Leon Andre Tumba, Président

14h10 - 14h55

Séance I

Présentation sur l'agroécologie comme réponse durable au changement climatique : Données internationales et régionales :

·        ActionAid  - [15 min]

·        ESAFF - l'agroécologie du point de vue du petit agriculteur [15 min].

·        CCARDESA - la recherche sur l'agroécologie [15 min]



Premier présentateur

(À confirmer)

Deuxième présentateur

(À confirmer)

Troisième présentateur

(À confirmer)

14h55 - 15h25

Dialogue interactif du Comité sur les présentations


15h25 – 15h45



15h45 - 16h15

Séance II

Présentation sur l'agroécologie en Afrique australe : Programmes et investissement :

·            Investissements régionaux et nationaux dans l'agroécologie - lacunes et opportunités [15 min].

·            FAO - Programmation et soutien de l'agroécologie en Afrique australe (et bonnes pratiques d'autres régions) [15 min].


Premier présentateur

M.Martin Muchero



Deuxième présentateur

(À confirmer)

16h15 - 16h45

Dialogue interactif du Comité sur les présentations


16h45 - 17h00

Allocution finale du Président du TIFI

Hon. Anele Ndebele, Présidente






14:00 - 14:10

Remarks by the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on FANR

Hon Leon Andre Tumba, Chairperson

14:10 - 14:55

Session I

Presentation on Agroecology as a Sustainable Response to Climate Change: International and Regional Evidence:

·        ActionAid  - [15 min]

·        ESAFF – agroecology from the perspective of the smallholder farmer [15 min]

·        CCARDESA - research on agroecology [15 min]



Presenter One


Presenter Two


Presenter Three


14:55 - 15:25

Committee’s Interactive Dialogue on Presentations


15:25 – 15:45



15:45 - 16:15

Session II

Presentation on Agroecology in Southern Africa: Programmes and Investment:

·            Regional and national investment in agroecology – gaps and opportunities [15 min]

·            FAO - programming and support agroecology in southern Africa (and good practice from other regions) [15 min]


Presenter One

Mr Martin Muchero



Presenter Two


16:15 - 16:45

Committee’s Interactive Dialogue on Presentations


16:45 - 17:00

Closing Remarks by the TIFI Chairperson

Hon Anele Ndebele, Chairperson




Programme- Joint Meeting FANR and TIFI

  • Background

The effects of climate change - persistent drought, flooding and pests – compounded by economic challenges, poverty, conflict, gender disparities, and gaps in social accountability, have all contributed to the SADC region’s food security crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced incomes and disrupted supply chains, further exacerbating poverty in the region. According to the SADC Synthesis Report on the State of Food and Nutrition Security and Vulnerability in the Southern Region, released in July 2021, up to 47.6 million people (approx. 13% of total population) in the SADC region are food insecure. While many Member States experienced a bumper maize harvest in 2021, the above-average rainfall was coupled with a destructive cyclone season. In the ten SADC Member States that submitted data, an estimated 47.6 million people are food insecure, a 5.5% increase from 2020 and 34.3% above the 5-year average.[1]

Smallholder farmers, who produce most of SADC’s food, have been impacted by the effects of Covid-19, including lower household incomes, limited access to inputs (seeds, fertilisers) and lack of extension services to combat the ongoing threat of pests and diseases. In particular, the pandemic has affected multiple aspects of the lives of women smallholder farmers, who supply about 50% of total agricultural labour in Sub-Saharan Africa, from undermining their food security and eroding their savings, to increasing their unpaid care workload and heightening their risk of gender-based violence.[2]

In 2003, African Union (AU) member states signed the Maputo Declaration, which committed to increasing agricultural budget allocations to 10%, pursuing agricultural growth of 6%, and to setting up the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).[3] Soon after, SADC member states signed the Dar-es-Salaam Declaration in 2004, which established priority areas for achieving food security, including short-term approaches such as ensuring access to quality seeds, fertilisers, and agrochemicals.[4] Additional regional instruments followed, guiding both regional and national actions: Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP) 2013; Regional Agricultural Investment Plan (RAIP) 2017-2022; SADC Food and Nutrition Security Strategy (FNSS) 2015-2025; and SADC Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (CCSAP) and Strategy, 2015 – 2030.

According to the African Centre for Biodiversity, however, practices that emanate from CAADP which have been implemented by African governments, such as input subsidies through farm input subsidy programmes (FISPs), have not always had the desired effect.[5] While international, continental and regional (SADC) commitments promote support for smallholder farmers as a key strategy for achieving household food security, agricultural policy making in the region has failed to adequately respond to the needs of smallholder farmers.

Instead, large portions of national budgets are directed towards FISPs by providing subsidies that reduce the price of fertiliser and seed (usually hybrid maize). Aside from providing a partial economic safety net, the subsidies have been found to not directly benefit the poor and most vulnerable, who are mostly women. Instead, the FISPs have led smallholder farmers to direct scarce resources towards hybrid maize production, effectively reducing the diversity of food available.[6] In a 2021 global report, the FAO acknowledges that current agricultural support “is biased towards measures that are harmful and unsustainable for nature, climate, nutrition and health, while disadvantaging women and other smallholder farmers in the sector.” FAO advocates that by “repurposing agricultural producer support, governments can optimize scarce public resources to support food systems in ways that make them not only more efficient, but also more supportive of healthy lives, nature and climate. This can also be an opportunity to achieve a strong economic recovery in a post-COVID-19 pandemic world.”[7]

With the effects of climate change causing droughts and flooding throughout the SADC region, the need for long-term measures to reduce the impact of climate shocks and build the capacity of communities and countries to withstand them have become even more urgent. Covid-19 has further highlighted the need to support local, sustainably produced food with shorter value chains to ensure countries are resilient, even in the face of disasters.

  • The Potential Role of Agroecology

The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) in the United Nations (UN) Committee on World Food Security (CFS) recently defined agroecology as follows:

“Agroecological approaches favour the use of natural processes, limit the use of purchased inputs, promote closed cycles with minimal negative externalities and stress the importance of local knowledge and participatory processes that develop knowledge and practice through experience, as well as more conventional scientific methods, and address social inequalities. Agroecological approaches recognize that agri-food systems are coupled social–ecological systems from food production to consumption and involve science, practice and a social movement, as well as their holistic integration, to address [food and nutritional security].”[8]

Among the key benefits of agroecology, include:

  • Year-round access to healthy, fresh, diverse and culturally-appropriate food for local populations;
  • Reduced poverty and a key contribution to the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition;
  • Increased climate resilience and reduced greenhouse gasses (GHG) emission;
  • Empowerment of women and reduced workload burden;
  • Diversified livelihoods and valued local, tribal and indigenous knowledge and culture;
  • Improved health through reduced exposure to harmful agrochemicals;
  • More resilient ecosystems, healthier soils and improved water management;
  • Lower costs, less debt and greater autonomy;
  • Enhanced stewardship of seeds, crops, biodiversity, forests and natural resources.[9]

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) have highlighted the key role for agroecology in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).[10] The FAO has recognised it as a “promising option to implement the Paris Agreement,” as it addresses climate change adaptation and mitigation simultaneously.[11] Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES),[12] the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate (IPCC),[13] and the HLPE,[14] all urge support for agroecological systems for smallholder farmers, as opposed to high external input industrial systems, and indicate these can be highly productive, highly sustainable, empower women, create jobs, engage youth, provide greater autonomy, climate resilience, and multiple social, cultural and environmental benefits for women and men in rural and urban communities.

Increasingly, evidence is showing that peasant-based agroecological systems have clear advantages over high external input industrial agriculture. While, historically, there has been a gap between the yields of conventional (high-external-input) agriculture and organic farming, this gap has often been overstated, especially when considering: a) the strong performance of highly developed agroecological farming systems; b) that agroecology produces high yields (especially over time) of a variety of crops, while also generating additional social and environmental benefits. A growing body of research indicates that when appropriately supported and in the right economic conditions, agroecology can outperform conventional systems of agricultural production, especially in dryland areas but also in many other contexts, for example[15] A recent meta-analysis found that alternative agriculture increased yields in 61% of the studies when compared to conventional agriculture, with 20 percent showing no difference.[16] Additionally, the diversification practices used in agroecological practices can reduce or eliminate any yield gap between organic and conventional agriculture.[17]

Despite the urgency and clear benefits of adopting agroecological approaches towards the transformation of food systems, the quality and quantity of finance for agricultural research and development, and food security is woefully inadequate. Globally, there is a shortfall in funding for sustainable food systems, and very little of that is allocated to smallholder farmers. Additionally, almost all of that funding is allocated to encouraging farmers to adopt detrimental forms of high-energy, high-input industrial agriculture. Agroecological approaches are clearly marginalised in existing funding streams, and when they are supported it is often done in unhelpful and even damaging ways.[18]

In its policy brief Agroecology: Scaling Up, Scaling Out,[19] ActionAid identifies key barriers that need to be challenged and seven key steps required to achieve agroecology at scale: ideological barriers, international trade and export orientation, marginalisation of women, monopoly seed laws, lack of agricultural research and development on agroecology and concentration of power amongst agribusiness trans-national coroporations (TNCs).

3.0    What SADC PF and National Parliaments can do

National parliaments play an important oversight role in informing and interrogating the use of national budgetary allocations and foreign contributions towards agricultural development and climate change adaptation.

Already between 2018 and 2021, SADC PF FANR Standing Committee members have considered and acted on issues related to the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security. Among the actions were:

  • Successfully proposing a motion at the SADC PF Plenary Assembly in December 2018 urging SADC Member States to accelerate the implementation of the Malabo Declaration, with a focus on improving social accountability in agricultural services for smallholder farmers.
  • Passing resolutions in 2020 and 2021 calling on governments and donors to strengthen resilience to buffer ever-increasing climatic shocks, and to challenge the current intensive industrial model of agriculture being supported across the region.

Outside SADC, the Caribbean to the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) is in the process of developing a Model Law on Agroecology, informed by newly developed FAO guidelines on the development of legal frameworks to promote agroecology in the Latin American and Caribbean region.[20]

  • Objectives of the FANR/TIFI Standing Committee Joint Meeting


The FANR/TIFI Standing Committee meeting will specifically seek to achieve the following objectives:

  • Review evidence on the potential of agroecological approaches to ensure sustainable and productive agricultural development in the southern African region.
  • Assess the level of national and regional investment in SADC on agroecological approaches, and potential opportunities to increase this investment.
  • Reflect on national parliament and SADC PF interventions that could contribute towards expanding investment in agroecology in the SADC region.
  • Participants and resource persons

The session will draw upon the expertise of resource people from ActionAid, Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers’ Forum, the UN Food and FAO, and the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA). A panel of experienced resource persons will make presentations, followed by an interactive session focusing on possible policy interventions that could be made by SADC PF and national parliaments.



Concept Note for FANR and TIFI Meeting


[1] SADC Synthesis report on the state of food and nutrition security and vulnerability in Southern Africa:

[2] FAO SOFA Team & Cheryl Doss, (2011). The Role of Women in Agriculture’ ESA Working Paper No. 11-02, FAO.; FAO, (2011), 2010-2011 The State of Food and Agriculture. Women in Agriculture: Closing the gender gap for development.; ActionAid, (2020), Covid-19 Food Crisis: Monitoring research.

[3] For the Maputo Declaration, see:

[4] For Dar-es-Salaam Declaration, see:

[5] African Centre for Biodiversity (2016). Farm Input Subsidy Programmes (FISPs): A Benefit for, or the Betrayal of, SADC’s Small-Scale Farmers?

[6] African Centre for Biodiversity (2016). Ibid; PSA Alliance (2019) PSA Policy Brief on Social Accountability

of FISPs in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia.

[7] FAO, UNDP and UNEP (2021), =;l

[8] HLPE (2019), Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. A report by the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome.

[9] ActionAid International (2018), Agroecology: Scaling up, scaling out.

[10] IFAD (December 2019), How agroecology can respond to a changing climate and benefit farmers. ; FAO (2018), FAO’s work on agroecology: a pathway to the SDGs.

[11] FAO (2018). Ibid.

[12] IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

[13] IPCC (2019), IPCC Special Report on Climate Change, Desertification, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Food Security, and Greenhouse gas fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems.

[14] HLPE (2019).

[15] ActionAid (2021 – to be published), Shifting Funding to Agroecology for People, Climate and Nature. Written by Colin Anderson and Janneke Bruil;  Pretty, J.N., Morison, J.I.L., Hine, R.E. (2003), Reducing food poverty by increasing agricultural sustainability in developing countries. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 95, 217-234. 10.1016/s0167-8809(02)00087-7; Ponisio, L.C., M'Gonigle, L.K., Mace, K.C., Palomino, J., de Valpine, P., Kremen, C. (2015). Diversification practices reduce organic to conventional yield gap. Proc Biol Sci 282, 20141396. 10.1098/rspb.2014.1396.

[16] Alonso-Fradejas, A., Forero, L.F., Ortega-Espès, D., Drago, M.n., Chandrasekaran, K. (2020), Junk Agroecology. TNI, Friends of the Earth International, Crovevia.

[17] Ponisio (2015).

[18] CIDSE (2021) Policy Briefing – Making Money Move for Agroecology: Transforming Development Aid to Support Agroecology.

[19] ActionAid (2018).

[20] FAO (2021), Legislation to promote agroecology in the Latin American and Caribbean region.






Hon Members, distinguished participants,

Good afternoon

I am honoured to address you this afternoon as we come to the close of our session on ‘Expanding Investment in Agroecology in Southern Africa for Sustainable Development and Climate Adaptation.  Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to you, Honourable Members, for sparing time to attend this meeting. I also thank you for applying yourselves fully and actively engaging with the resource persons on the important subject of investment in agriculture. This shows your desire and commitment to acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills to enable you contribute positively towards national and regional food security as well as climate adaptation.

To the Secretary General of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, I commend you for convening this meeting.

Let me also offer special appreciation to our resource persons who were willing to share with us their vast knowledge and experience on the subject under consideration.

Honourable Members,

Having concluded all items on our agenda, I am happy to note that we have now gained a deeper understanding of what agroecology is and some of its advantages as compared to the conventional high input and industrialised agricultural system. I am also pleased that the presenters have not only highlighted the many regional and continental commitments towards the agriculture sector, but also the fact that funding to this sector should be adequate and sustainable. This was especially important for us as it will enable us, going forward, to work in our respective jurisdictions and in the context of our legislative mandate towards addressing the food security concerns in the region and our respective countries.

In view of the above, it is gratifying that this session has also reminded us of the important role that we should play to not only ensure increased budgetary allocation towards agroecology, but also promote private sector investment.

Further, I am particularly happy that during this meeting, we had an opportunity to explore how the draft SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management can be used to promote agroecology in our region. It now remains for each one of us to champion the case as advocates within our domestic jurisdictions for the domestication of the SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management once adopted by the Plenary Assembly.  In this regard, I must pay tribute to the Forum for the initiative of developing the Model Law.  Let us work hard so that the SADC Member States can develop domestic legislation that will enable us promote agroecology, especially through the enhancement of the relevant budgetary allocations.

Having said the above, it is now my singular honour to declare the

joint meeting of the SADC Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources and Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment officially closed.

I thank you

À propos de nous

Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC PF) a été créé en 1997 conformément à l'article 9 (2) du Traité de la SADC en tant qu'institution autonome de la SADC. Il s'agit d'un organe interparlementaire régional composé de treize (14) parlements représentant plus de 3500 parlementaires dans la région de la SADC.

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