Honourable Members and distinguished participants, Mr Stanley Nyamanhindi- Chief Executive Director of the SADC Lawyers Association;

Ms Eva Jhala our distinguished Draftsperson. Members of the Media;

Members of the TWG, here present;

Colleagues from SADC PF and National Parliaments

It is with immense pleasure that I greet you today at this validation meeting of the SADC Model Law on GBV with MPs of the Regional Women Parliamentary Caucus and other relevant Standing Committees of the Forum. Just a few days ago, we have wrapped up the stakeholder consultations, and the speed with which we have progressed to refine the Model law and finalise all draft provisions is commendable.

We have come a long way and have made commendable strides. Today marks yet another important milestone in the review and consultative process of the SADC Model Law on GBV as we are submitting the Model Law after consultations duly made to the consideration of the RWPC and other Standing Committees of the Forum. Accordingly, it is today that the Model Law will garner inter- parliamentary consideration and approval at the level of the Forum. After this intervention session, and several, the last step would then be to table the Model Law on GBV to the 50th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC-PF.

Why is the consultation meeting with SADC PF MPs important?

I wish to highlight that today, this Session constitutes a crucial step because it is indeed the RWPC and other Standing Committees which initiated the thrust to develop a SADC Model Law on GBV. Over the years, the RWPC has been on the frontline to implement initiatives that aim to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender. The first-ever Women’s Parliament in Seychelles in 2017, the Gender Responsive Oversight Model (GROM), gender mainstreaming and gender-based budgeting, are all initiatives that emanate from the ardent efforts of the RWPC as well as other Committees such as the Gender Equality, Women Advancement and Youth Development Committee (GEWAYD), and the Human and Social Development and Special Programmes Committee (HSDSP).

Finally, with GBV becoming more and more prominent in the SADC region, it was a joint recommendation by the RWPC and other Standing Committees that gave rise to the need for the SADC Model Law on GBV.

We are therefore handing over to the organs of the Forum the technical work accomplished through wide consultations with GBV stakeholders at the regional level. The validation meeting of today represents the valuable steppingstone to the 50th Plenary Assembly.

In addition, I wish to draw to your attention that besides the recommendations of the RWPC and the Standing Committees of the Forum, the SADC Regional Strategy and Framework of Action for Addressing GBV (2018 -2030) also calls for the enactment of human rights compliant legislative provisions which outlaw all forms of GBV. The SADC Model Law on GBV has thus embodied this feature of the Regional Strategy and has reiterated the principles of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality, the Beijing Declaration, as well as Aspiration 6 of Africa Agenda 2063 on women and youth empowerment. Today, I am thus pleased to say that both regional and international efforts on GBV are on the same wavelength and pointing to the same direction.

The extent of consultations made

As a recap, I wish to point out that separate consultations were held with human rights commissioners, SADC lawyers, SADC jurists, SADC chief justices and judicial officers, as well as Chairpersons of Parliamentary Committees at national level, SADC Line Ministries and police representatives. You will note that the breadth and depth of the GBV consultations will be reflected where appropriate in the relevant legal provisions which have been worked out to mirror best international practices and to equally befit the SADC context.

In this regard, I wish to seize this opportunity to thank the relevant regional bodies, CSO’s and other stakeholders who have made this wide consultation possible, including the SADC Secretariat as an institutional partner within the SADC family, the Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum, the SADC lawyers Association, and the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation, to cite but a few. We will be engaging with Regional Parliamentary bodies, the UN agencies, Donors, Magistrates, Legal aid Officials and Prosecutors, and closing Consultations on the 8th of October, 2021.

The GBV Model Law within a Bill of Rights Honourable Members and distinguished participants,

Most of you will aware that the SADC Model Law on GBV is not the first Model Law of the Forum. Indeed, the Standing Committees of the SADC-PF were part of the process leading to the SADC Model Law on HIV, the SADC Model Law on Child Marriage in 2016, and the SADC Model Law on Elections in 2018. These Model Laws constitute a regional SADC Bill of Rights and the Forum is now adding to, and consolidating,its Bill of Rights with the SADC Model Law on GBV being the pinnacle of GBV related initiatives.

I wish to emphasize that all the Model Laws adopted so far are based on similar principles of human rights and democratisation, and that the Model Laws speak to each other. In other words, the Model Laws reinforce one another and whilst each Model Law is based on its own thematic content, they should be read as a whole. The SADC Model Law on GBV is thus being brought forward against the backdrop of other Model Laws which have already proved their efficacy in domestication and incorporation at national level. The SADC Model Law on GBV is thus intended to tighten domestic legal provisions with respect to protection of the human right to health, the human right to physical integrity and the human right to life, all of which form part of the objective of the Forum to preserve a culture of respect for human rights in accordance with its Strategic Plan (2019- 2023). Since GBV is germane to infringements of a number of human rights, the SADC Model Law on GBV is thus sealing the cracks and pitfalls with respect to the deficiencies that affect both genders and expose them to GBV across the SADC region.

What next?

Honourable Members and Distinguished Participants,

I now wish to end by saying a few words on the way forward.

After the adoption of the SADC Model Law on GBV, the Forum will not stop here. Indeed, the adoption of the Model Law should be pictured as the beginning of a new process rather an end in itself. The Forum will continue to monitor the Model Law through the Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee, which as you are aware, consists of the Honourable Chairpersons of the RWPC and Standing Committees. While information on domestication continue to be gathered by the relevant Standing Committees in collaboration with national Parliaments, the progress on monitoring will be conducted at high-level by the Oversight Committee. I am pleased to share that a Scorecard has already been developed for 1 Model Law and other Scorecards will be developed, including for the Model Law on GBV. The provisions of the Model Law together with the momentum of the Oversight Committee are bound

to make a difference in domestication endeavours in the years to come. All along, the impetus for domestication must be maintained by Parliament and this validation meeting of today thus foreshadows the beginning of the domestication process.


Honourable Members and distinguished participants, With these words, I wish to invite you to engage freely and frankly with the legal drafter and facilitator for this validation meeting. Today, the Forum will be making history by validating the first GBV Model Law of its kind in the SADC region. As regional legislators, you will be making history by approving a Model law that can influence the lives of over 250 million inhabitants. May the SADC region continue to prosper under your parliamentary leadership!

On this cheerful note, I wish you all a pleasant session.

Thank You.

Ms B.Sekgoma, Secretary General,

SADC Parliamentary Forum 16th September 2021


Statement by the Secretary General for the GBV Model Law – Validation Meeting with Joint Sittings of the RWPC and Standing Committees, On 16th September 2021

Caros Colegas/parceiros,

É com imensa satisfação que emito a presente declaração aos distintos parlamentos membros do Fórum e parceiros na ocasião da celebração do Dia Internacional da Democracia neste 15 de Setembro de 2021.

Hoje celebramos a democracia, que é o fundamento que sustenta a existência dos parlamentos. O parlamentarismo e a democracia caminham de mãos dadas na via promissora rumo à paz mundial, unidade e estabilidade. Os direitos humanos e as liberdades fundamentais prosperam numa democracia e perecem na ausência desta. Além disso, é lugar-comum afirmar que os princípios democráticos são os pilares fundadores do estado de direito, do constitucionalismo e da igualdade.

Neste sentido, o Fórum aproveita esta oportunidade para saudar e prestar homenagem aos parlamentos membros da SADC que têm resistido com bravura ao teste desafiador do tempo e têm registado uma rica história da promoção dos princípios democráticos dentro do contexto da soberania parlamentar. Embora o ano passado e o corrente tenham sido difíceis para a democracia na região da SADC, os parlamentos aguentaram a adversidade e asseguraram também a necessária continuidade, que é quintessencial para legiferar, bem como continuar a pedir contas ao Executivo. O prestimoso trabalho realizado pelos parlamentos da SADC dentro dos seus respectivos quadros democráticos atenuou os efeitos devastadores da COVID-19 e permitiu que a região enveredasse por uma via de recuperação económica comprometida com o progresso.

De harmonia com o seu Plano Estratégico (2019-2023), o Fórum Parlamentar da SADC reitera o seu compromisso de promover a democracia através da cooperação interparlamentar e implementar a Lei Modelo da SADC sobre as Eleições, que é o traço característico da democracia representativa e a porta de entrada para a boa governação. Graças à manutenção da democracia, gravita sobre a África e o mundo uma nova alvorada de esperança e prosperidade.

Viva a Democracia e Longa Vida aos Parlamentos!

Muito atenciosamente

Sra. Boemo Sekgoma


Fórum Parlamentar da SADC

15 de Setembro de 2021

Declaração da Secretária-Geral do FP-SADC Sobre O Dia Internacional da Democracia 15 de Setembro de 2021

Dear Colleagues/Partners, 

It is with immense pleasure that I release this statement to the Forum’s august Member Parliaments and partners in view of celebrating the International Day of Democracy on this 15th September 2021.

By Sakhile Mokoena (9 September 2021)


Parliamentarians belonging to the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) have declared their support for the SADC Model Law on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), which seeks to guide member states in developing effective policies and legislation to tackle GBV.

The SADC-PF organised a virtual consultative meeting yesterday with chairpersons of committees from the parliaments of 15 countries in the region to deliberate on the model law. Ms Boemo Sekgoma, the SADC-PF Secretary General, said it “reiterates and echoes the gender-related objectives under the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality, the Beijing Declaration, as well as Aspiration 6 of Africa Agenda 2063 on progressive women and youth empowerment.

“This consultation and the series of consultations made beforehand serve to indicate the inclusive process of finalisation of the model law. In this regard, I am confident that as for other model laws developed, the model law on GBV will also become a flagship legal instrument that would serve as a robust guiding benchmark on GBV-related norms for the SADC region and beyond.”

SADC PF Countries Support SADC Model Law on GBV

WINDHOEK-NAMÍBIA, Quarta-feira, 08 de Setembro de 2021 — O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (FP-SADC) vai realizar, amanhã, Quinta-feira, 9 de Setembro de 2021, uma reunião consultiva com os Presidentes das Comissões dos Parlamentos nacionais, para tratar do texto-projecto da Lei Modelo da SADC sobre a Violência de Género.

A reunião – com as comissões das tutelas de género, direitos da criança, assuntos jurídicos, a polícia e a justiça – tem como objectivo familiarizar os Presidentes das comissões dos 15 parlamentos membros do FP-SADC com a Lei Modelo sobre a Violência de Género, e registar os seus contributos sobre o texto-projecto da lei. A Lei Modelo sobre a Violência de Género tem como um dos objectivos dar uma orientação quanto ao âmbito e conteúdo das disposições a serem previstas nas leis nacionais sobre a violência de género e prestar apoio às leis nacionais durante a fase de implementação, especialmente onde ainda existam lacunas.

Os dados da reunião são os seguintes:

Data: Quinta-feira, 9 de Setembro de 2021

Horário: 10 da manhã até 3 da tarde, Horas de Harare/Pretória

ACESSO DOS ÓRGÃOS DE COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIAL: As reuniões do FP-SADC são abertas aos órgãos da comunicação social, e os jornalistas interessados em fazer a cobertura das mesmas devem inscrever-se no seguinte link:


A reunião será transmitida em directo nas plataformas das redes sociais do FP-SADC nos links abaixo indicados e gravada para retransmissão em diferido no Canal 408 da DSTV:





Para mais informações: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 ou [AT] </">

WINDHOEK, NAMÍBIA, Sexta-feira, 20 de Agosto de 2021 – O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (FP-SADC) vai realizar um workshop consultivo em formato virtual na Segunda-feira, 23 de Agosto de 2021, sobre o papel do Parlamento no reforço da Gestão das Finanças Públicas (GFP).

A GFP é central na gestão dos recursos públicos limitados, com o objectivo de optimizar os resultados orçamentais, maximizar o bem-estar social e o impacto económico. A responsabilidade de prestar contas está a tornar-se cada vez mais numa questão de muita preocupação na maior parte dos países da SADC – em parte como resultado dos lapsos notáveis nos sistemas de GFP que têm sido demonstrados pelos relatórios financeiros auditados de muitos órgãos públicos, paraestatais e autoridades locais nos Estados membros da SADC.

O webinar tem como objectivo a compreensão do papel dos parlamentos nacionais em assegurar a responsabilidade financeira dos recursos públicos, sobretudo durante o período de uma crise ou pandemia e o asseguramento de uma plataforma para a troca de experiências específicas aos vários países em matéria de GFP, para efeitos de análise comparativa.

Os dados da sessão são os seguintes:

Data: 23 de Agosto de 2021

Horas: 09h30 a 16h30, Hora de Joanesburgo

Local: Plataforma Virtual Zoom

ACESSO AOS SUPORTES: As reuniões do FP-SADC são abertas aos órgãos da comunicação social, e os jornalistas interessados em fazer a cobertura das mesmas devem inscrever-se no seguinte link:

A reunião será transmitida em directo nas plataformas das redes sociais do FP-SADC nos links abaixo indicados e gravada para retransmissão em diferido no Canal 408 da DSTV:





Pedidos de esclarecimentos: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 ou [AT] sadc" data-ep-b6405="pf<small> ">

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIE, Vendredi, le 20 août, 2021 – Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (FP-SADC) accueillera un atelier consultatif virtuel lundi, le 23 août 2021 sur le rôle du Parlement dans le renforcement de la gestion des finances publiques (GFP).

La GFP joue un rôle central dans la gestion de ressources publiques limitées dans le but d'optimiser les résultats budgétaires, de maximiser le bien-être social et l'impact économique. La responsabilité devient de plus en plus un sujet de préoccupation dans la plupart des pays de la SADC - en partie en raison de lacunes notables dans les systèmes de GFP, comme en témoignent les rapports financiers audités de nombreux organismes publics, parapublics et autorités locales dans les États membres de la SADC.

L'objectif de ce webinaire est de comprendre le rôle des parlements nationaux pour assurer la responsabilité financière des ressources publiques, en particulier en période de crise ou de pandémie, et de fournir une plateforme pour le partage d'expériences spécifiques aux pays en matière de GFP aux fins de benchmarking.

Les détails de la session sont les suivants :

Date : Lundi, le 23 août, 2021

Heure : 09h30 à 16h30 heure de Johannesburg.

Lieu : Plate-forme virtuelle de Zoom

ACCÈS DES MÉDIAS : Les réunions du FP SADC sont ouvertes aux médias et les journalistes qui souhaitent les couvrir doivent s'inscrire sur le lien suivant :

La réunion sera diffusée en direct sur les plateformes de médias sociaux du Forum parlementaire de la SADC sur les liens ci-dessous et enregistrée pour une diffusion ultérieure sur la chaîne 408 de DSTV :





Pour plus d’information: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org"> [AT] </" data-ep-b6405="[DOT] </sm">sadc" data-ep-b6405="pf<small> ">

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIE, Vendredi, le 20 août, 2021 – Le Forum parlementaire de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (FP-SADC) accueillera un atelier consultatif virtuel lundi, le 23 août 2021 sur le rôle du Parlement dans le renforcement de la gestion des finances publiques (GFP).

La GFP joue un rôle central dans la gestion de ressources publiques limitées dans le but d'optimiser les résultats budgétaires, de maximiser le bien-être social et l'impact économique. La responsabilité devient de plus en plus un sujet de préoccupation dans la plupart des pays de la SADC - en partie en raison de lacunes notables dans les systèmes de GFP, comme en témoignent les rapports financiers audités de nombreux organismes publics, parapublics et autorités locales dans les États membres de la SADC.

L'objectif de ce webinaire est de comprendre le rôle des parlements nationaux pour assurer la responsabilité financière des ressources publiques, en particulier en période de crise ou de pandémie, et de fournir une plateforme pour le partage d'expériences spécifiques aux pays en matière de GFP aux fins de benchmarking.

Les détails de la session sont les suivants :

Date : Lundi, le 23 août, 2021

Heure : 09h30 à 16h30 heure de Johannesburg.

Lieu : Plate-forme virtuelle de Zoom

ACCÈS DES MÉDIAS : Les réunions du FP SADC sont ouvertes aux médias et les journalistes qui souhaitent les couvrir doivent s'inscrire sur le lien suivant :

La réunion sera diffusée en direct sur les plateformes de médias sociaux du Forum parlementaire de la SADC sur les liens ci-dessous et enregistrée pour une diffusion ultérieure sur la chaîne 408 de DSTV :





Pour plus d’information: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org"> [AT] </" data-ep-b6405="[DOT]

WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA, Sunday 22 August 2021 – The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) will host a virtual consultative workshop on Monday, 23 August 2021 on the role of Parliament in strengthening Public Finance Management (PFM). 

PFM is central in managing limited public resources with the aim of optimising budgetary outputs, maximising social welfare and economic impact. Accountability is increasingly becoming a matter of serious concern in most SADC countries – partly as a result of notable lapses in PFM systems as evidenced by the audited financial reports of numerous public, parastatal bodies and local authorities in the SADC Member States.

The purpose of the webinar is to understand the role of National Parliaments in ensuring financial accountability of public resources, especially during the period of a crisis or a pandemic and provide a platform for sharing country specific experiences on PFM for purposes of benchmarking. 


Details of the session are as follows: 

Date: Monday, 23 August 2021  

Time: 09h30 to 16h30 Johannesburg Time. 

Venue: Zoom Virtual Platform 

MEDIA ACCESS: Meetings of the SADC-PF are open to the media and journalists who are interested in covering them must register on the following link:

The meeting will be live streamed on the SADC-PF social media platforms on the links below and recorded for later broadcast on DSTV Channel 408: 





Enquiries: Modise Kabeli +27 81 715 9969 or org" data-ep-a68b1="media<smal"> [AT]

Sobre nós

O Fórum Parlamentar da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC PF) foi criado em 1997, em conformidade com o Artigo 9 (2) do Tratado da SADC como uma instituição autônoma da SADC. É um órgão interparlamentar regional composto por Treze (14) parlamentos representando mais de 3500 parlamentares na região da SADC. Consulte Mais informação


Address: ERF 578, Love Street off Robert Mugabe Avenue Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264 61) 287 00 00
